“…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Elbridge CC is building bridges into our community locally as well in other nations! Listed below are some ways to connect – and also ministry opportunities – within the church body here at ECC. Keep scrolling to read about our amazing mission & outreach partners around the globe. Check out their websites, or contact us, for more information on how to help!
- Women’s Ministry
- Men of Purpose Men’s Ministry
- Youth Group: 5th-8th and 9th-12th grades
- Children’s Ministry: Sunday School, VBS, and Nursery
- College & Young Career Group: we are praying that God will bring young men and women to Elbridge CC who have a passion for serving Christ, and a desire to partner with ECC Leadership to form a dynamic team that focuses on this ministry opportunity. For more information, please email or call the church office to speak with Pastor Dennis.
- Small Group Bible Studies
- Other ways to serve include Greeter Team, Music Team, Meals and Funeral Luncheons, Grounds Maintenance, and Technical Team.

Child Evangelism Fellowship
Elbridge Community Church has partnered with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) for several years to create an exciting and safe Vacation Bible School (VBS) ministry each summer right here at ECC. It is our great blessing and privelege to connect with many families in our community through this event. For more information about our VBS program please reach out…

Ministry in Africa
Mark and Stacey Luckey: “Afayo (ah-figh-yo) means “He cares” in Lusoga. God cares for orphans and widows, the poor, the desperate, the needy, those in pain. He cares for all of us. Just as importantly, he desires for us to care as well, for it is we who will take the good news of Jesus to…

Missions: Wycliffe Bible Translators in Africa
Part 1 Part 2 https://youtu.be/dsJCfR7Gz_k

Recovery Ministry
Coming to ECC on October 14, 2018: Teen Challenge Men’s and Women’s Chorus, along with special speaker and founder Phil McLain! Hear hymns of praise and worship, along with testimonies of God’s amazing grace and mercy. You will not want to miss this! West Michigan Teen Challenge: Western Michigan Teen Challenge is a one year live-in discipleship…

Serving Romania
Jim Morgan: Drive-In Ministries is responding to the cry of an unchurched, lost segment of society. Drive-In has outfitted special Mobile Units that travel “Around the Corner…Around the World” assisting churches, church planters, and other Christian organizations in reaching people with the message of hope and eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Wycliffe Bible Translators
The Freelands: Lance and Abby serve as linguist/translators with the Ndop Cluster of languages in Cameroon Africa. They live in the village of Bangolan on the Ndop Plain. The Bangolan translation team is now working on the Gospel of Luke.