December 24 at 7:00 p.m.
Category: Outreach
Christmas Sing-Along
Join us December 10 at 7 PM for an evening of traditional Christmas music.
Community Chili Cookoff
Elbridge Community Church is planning a fun community event on Saturday, March 26, 2022: Chili Cookoff beginning at 5:00p.m. We will have plenty of food, so plan to join us to enter your own chili creation or to sample and choose your favorite!
Movie and Meal
You are invited to join us on Saturday, January 29th, at 5:30 p.m. for a taco dinner and a movie. We will be showing the movie Breakthrough, based on a true story of love, hope and trusting in Jesus. We hope to see you!
Parenting with Love and Logic
Elbridge Community Church brings you Parenting the Love and Logic Way Love and Logic is a philosophy of raising and teaching children which allows adults to be happier, empowered, and more skilled in the interactions with children. Love allows children to grow through their mistakes. Logic allows children to live with the consequences of their…
Christmas Family Potluck
Sunday, December 22 immediately following the Children-Youth Special and worship service.
Children and Youth Christmas Special
Sunday Service, December 22, begins at 9:30 a.m.
Harvest Potluck
Following the service this Sunday, October 20. Meat, potatoes and green beans will be provided; please bring a dish to pass.
Teen Challenge & Thanksgiving Family Potluck
Please join us as Western Michigan Teen & Adult Challenge students and leaders minister in song and testimony. Plan on a Family Feast immediately following the service on Sunday, November 10.
Walkerville – Hart – Shelby Communities
For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 1 John 3:11 Let’s demonstrate Christ’s Love to our community by filling backpacks with school supplies. The backpacks, already purchased, will go to children in need in our local communities of Walkerville, Hart and Shelby. Some suggested…