There’s Still Time to Join a Small Group

We are building a community of Believers by connecting with God and each other! On Saturday, March 30, we watched the movie: Is Genesis History? Now you can be part of a 6-week small group study: BEYOND Is Genesis History. Call the church office to find out how.

True Beauty: Women’s Spring Retreat 2019

Ladies, you are invited into an authentic conversation about God’s Word by exploring the spiritual practices and truths of living life in Christ. Women face pressures, perceptions, and expectations every day. You will be inspired to let go of this “stuff” and encouraged to find rest at the feet of Jesus. Our time of discovery…

In darkness God’s truth shines most clear.

-Corrie Ten Boom. How much does God love us? How should we respond? Find out in our Sunday morning series: “Crazy Love”. Based on the book by Francis Chan. Please join us Sunday morning at 9:15 for coffee, followed by worship and learning from the Word at 9:30 a.m.

College & Young Career

Ministry Opportunity: We are praying that God will bring young men and women to Elbridge CC who have a passion for serving Christ, and a desire to partner with ECC Leadership to form a dynamic team that focuses on this ministry opportunity. For more information, please email or call the church office to speak with Pastor…

VBS July 16-20

It was great to see so many kids at Vacation Bible School last week. We had a huge turnout for Family Night Friday evening, too. A big Thank You goes out  to everyone who helped make this happen!

Truth Project: life from a biblical perspective

  Join us this Wednesday as we continue our series with Lesson 4 “Philosophy and Ethics: Says Who?” What is Focus on the Family’s The Truth Project®? The Truth Project is a DVD-based small group curriculum comprised of 13 one-hour lessons taught by Dr. Del Tackett. This study is the starting point for looking at life from…